
HOWTO: Dojo Grid, Checkbox Selection

In the next release of Memorati™, I am going to use the new Dojo Grid widget. One of the problems I had, is that the grid does selection the way desktop grids do:

  • Clicking the row selects it.
  • Clicking while holding the shift or ctrl key selects multiple rows.

This is fine! But it isn't what users of web applications expect. They are accustomed to selecting a row by clicking a checkbox in the left-most column, like in Gmail.

In this article, I describe how I got the Dojo Grid to use a checkbox for selection.

For simplicity sake, I am going to build off the example described in the Dojo Grids: Diving Deeper article by Bryan Forbes on the SitePen blog. Let's assume that your grid boiler plate looks like this:

var data = [

In the works…

I've had a number of language learning software projects in the works for a long time. Unfortunately, given my limited time, I've been struggling to get them "out of the works" in into a place where other people can use them. But until that time, I'd just like to describe what they are - or really what they will be!


Memorati™ is my main focus right now. It is an online flash card system based on spaced-repetition. It is designed to be rich and flexible using modern Web 2.0 techniques and easily embeddable inside of other applications. In fact, when you go to, you are actually seeing Memorati (the application) embedded into Memorati (the website).

There are still many features missing from Memorati and at this point should be considered Beta. In the future, I plan to include:

  • Plugins for domain specific cards, ie. geography cards could include maps.
  • Media! With a player for audio and video files.
  • Offline support, so you don't always need an internet connection.
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